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MicroPort EP Attended EHRA in Kazakhstan Course 2022

2022-11-15 16:24:00      Views:

Astana, Kazakhstan, -- Shanghai MicroPort EP MedTech Co., Ltd. ("MicroPort EP") recently attended the EHRA in Kazakhstan Course "Cardiac arrhythmia management and cardiac electrophysiology for cardiologists" on 7-8 October, 2022.

MicroPort EP presented its comprehensive product line at the EHRA in Kazakhstan Course took place in National Research Cardiac Surgery Center, Astana, Kazakhstan. The novel 3D EP Navigation System Columbus™ was attracted a lot of attention by the arrhythmia professionals due to its compactness and integrity with an EP recording system which allows physicians work with crystal clear signals during 3D cases. Furthermore, the current wing-to-wing product line and upcoming products of MicroPort EP had been praised by physicians.


MicroPort EP also took part in the scientific program attended by more than 200 physicians with the topic called “Experiences with Columbus™ 3D Mapping System” presented by Prof. Can Yontar.


Kazakhstan is a fast-growing country for MicroPort EP where MicroPort EP products are preferred due to high quality and affordability. MicroPort EP products have been using more than 15 centers after MicroPort EP entered the Kazakhstan market which was 6 months ago and are in high demand nationwide.


To date, MicroPort EP products have been exported to more than 20 countries and regions. In the future, MicroPort EP will continue to build a differentiated product portfolio and expand its global reach, offering comprehensive solutions for diagnosis and therapy of EP interventions to more patients and doctors worldwide.

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