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MicroPort EP Successfully Performed First Procedures in Poland

2021-12-17 17:46:00      Views:

Sandomierz , Poland——Recently, the electrophysiologists in EP Lab, Sandomierz used the products independently developed by Shanghai MicroPort EP MedTech Co., Ltd. (“MicroPort EP”) , which include : Columbus™ 3D EP Navigation System, FireMagic™ 3D Irrigated RF Ablation Catheter, EasyLoop™Circular Mapping Catheter, EasyFinder™Diagnostic Catheter, PathBuilder™ Transseptal Guiding Introducer, and accessories to successfully complete 1 Atrial Fibrillation procedure, followed up by other 2 Premature Ventricular Contraction(PVC)procedures, which are the first cases for MicroPort EP in Poland.  

Dr. Krzysztof Myrda and Dr. Gracjan Pytel, both operators, mentioned that Columbus™ System is a useful tool in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. Its functionality works well both in the treatment of simple and complex arrhythmias. One of the advantages is the integrated electrophysiological system that allows the electrophysiologist to work efficiently. RTM technology provides quick and effective mapping. The strong point is the ability to visualize the curvature of ablation catheter, reviewing catheters positions after RF application retrospectively, preview of the electrode contact with the cardiac tissue. For mapping ventricular extrasystoles, a useful functionality is the use of a template for VEB morphology with the percentage visualization of matchnig VEBs.

Poland is a major hub along the “Belt and Road”. The successful completion of the procedures has laid a solid foundation for the company to further expand into the European market. In recent years, MicroPort EP follows the national development strategy, and focuses on overseas market layout and development.

To date, MicroPort EP products and services have reached more than 20 countries and regions including Europe, Oceania, Africa, South America and Asia. In the future, MicroPort EP will continue to build a differentiated product portfolio and expand its global reach, offering comprehensive solutions for diagnosis and therapy of EP interventions to more patients and doctors worldwide.

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