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MicroPort EP Successfully Performed First Atrial Fibrillation Cases in Russia

2021-11-05 17:51:00      Views:

St.Petersbur,Russia——Recently, the electrophysiologists in First St Petersburg State Medical University named after Pavlov Hospital used a full range of products including Columbus™ 3D EP Navigation System (Columbus™), FireMagic™ 3D Irrigated RF Ablation Catheter, EasyLoop™ Circular Mapping Catheter, which are independently developed by Shanghai MicroPort EP MedTech Co., Ltd. (“MicroPort EP”), to successfully complete 4 Atrial Fibrillation procedures, which are the first AF cases for MicroPort EP in Russia Market.

Dr Morozov, Chief of Arrhythmia department, mentioned that he was impressed by the speed of creating the heart map, FireMagic™ 3D Irrigated RF Ablation Catheter maneuverability, precision of navigation and the high quality of the ECG module of Columbus™ system. Dr Ershov, who also performed the cases confirmed this and additionally mentioned that the quality of signals were at a very high level.

Further mentioned by doctors, the department is planning to include the use of Columbus™ 3D system and FireMagic™ 3D catheters in their daily practice more as it is a good opportunity to get a high quality and high technology products, to ensure a high level medical aid to patients and to reduce doctors' and patients' exposure to X-Ray during operations.


To date, over 20,000 procedures have been performed worldwide using Columbus™, the products and services of MicroPort EP are available in more than 20 countries in Europe, Oceania, Africa, South America and Asia. MicroPort EP will continue to focus on innovation and development, offering world-class comprehensive solutions for electrophysiological interventions so that more patients enjoy a healthy life.

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