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MicroPort EP Attends First Central and Western China Heart Rhythm Forum

2016-09-07 09:45:00      Views:

Chongqing, China - Shanghai MicroPort EP MedTech Co., Ltd. ("MicroPort EP") recently attended the First Central and Western China Heart RhythmForum & the First Liangjiang Academic Annual Meeting of InterventionalTherapy of Cardiovascular Disease held in Chongqing from September 2 to September 4. The forum was hosted by Chongqing Medical Association, andorganized by the Professional Committee of EP and Pacing of Chongqing MedicalAssociation and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University.Many renowned domestic cardiovascular experts were invited to attend this grandevent of cardiac arrhythmia in Central and Western China, and carried out in-depthdiscussion and lectures on the treatment of cardiac arrhythmia from variousscopes. 

MicroPort EP attended the forum with a booth. Meanwhile, Dr. Jiahong Tan, Vice President of Catheter R&D and Supply Chain of MicroPort EP, delivered aspeech on the domestically developed Columbus 3D EP Navigation System("Columbus") and FireMagic Irrigated Ablation Catheter ("FireMagic") – two devices in-house developedby MicroPort EP - to introduce the main features of the firstdomestically made 3D EP navigation system with electromagnetic device trackingand full catheter curve display, which attracted many attention from theexperts in attendance. 

During themeeting, many experts showed great interest in Columbus that wasexhibited in MicroPort EP booth, and for some of them it was thefirst time to learn about the system. Professor Fengpeng Jia of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University visited MicroPort EP booth and tried using Columbus to stimulate Real-time Mapping("RTM") and get CT image integration. Professor Jia spoke highly ofits smooth and stable operating, and said he looked forward to cooperating with MicroPort EP. 

On the occasionof the First Central and Western China Heart Rhythm Forum, MicroPort EP further burnishes the reputation of Columbus in Central and Western China and enhanced experts understanding in the domestically made 3D EP navigation system, which lays a great foundation for the company to carryout clinical application and serve patients.

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