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MicroPort EP Attends CARDiosesTIM-EHRA EUROPACE 2016

2016-06-16 09:49:00      Views:

Nice, France -Shanghai MicroPort EP MedTech Co., Ltd. ("MicroPort EP")recently attended the 20th CARDiosesTIM-EHRA EUROPACE ("CARDiosesTIM-EHRAEUROPACE 2016") to promote its in-house developed Columbus 3D EP Navigation System ("Columbus"). 

TheCARDiosesTIM-EHRA EUROPACE is a world congress in cardiac electrophysiology andcardiac techniques, and this year it covers various sectors including cardiacpacing, cardiac failure, cardiomyopathy, cardiac resynchronization therapy andcardiac electrophysiology, with focus on new technologies like wirelesspacemaker, subcutaneous ICD, radiofrequency ablation navigation system,ablation of ventricular tachycardia/ventricular flutter, discussed by clinicaland technical specialists from all over the world. 

Displayed inthe MicroPort EP booth, Columbus and its matchingcatheter drew attention from professionals in attendance. French cardiacelectrophysiologist Michel Haïssaguerre, Professor at the Hôpital Cardiologiquedu Haut–Lévèque, who is best known for his remarkable contributions in the areaof atrial fibrillation ablation, tried operating FireMagic 3DIrrigated Ablation Catheter ("FireMagic") that Columbus works with. He said, he expected to see more China-developed innovative medicaldevices appear on the world stage. Many domestic and internationalelectrophysiological experts and scholars, including Director Guofang Cao ofCenter for Medical Device evalsuation of China Food and Drug Administration("CFDA"), visited the MicroPort EP booth, communicatedwith President of MicroPort EP Dr. Yiyong Sun, and offered theiropinions and suggestions on the future development of the radiofrequencyablation treatment. 

Columbus and FireMagic are mainly used in the treatment for drug resistantatrial fibrillation. When used together, they show the real-time locations andmoving direction of the catheter tip in cardiac chambers, which improves thesuccess rate of the operation while reducing X-ray exposure to physicians. Thetwo products obtained the CE Mark in 2013, and have been used in countriesincluding Dominica, Greece, Turkey and Spain. In 2016, they gained CFDAapproval, and Columbus was the first interventional medical devicegranted by CFDA the Green Channel status, a special fast-track procedure forinnovative medical devices to gain CFDA approval. Columbus combinedwith FireMagic was listed under the National High-tech R&DProgram (863 Program) and the National Key Technology Support Program. Withboth of them officially launched in the China market, MicroPort EPprovides a comprehensive solution to domestic patients with complexarrhythmias.

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