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MicroPort EP Makes the First Live Broadcasting of Columbus™ Surgery

2016-04-13 09:54:00      Views:

Shanghai, China – Shanghai MicroPort EP MedTech Co., Ltd.  ("MicroPort EP") recently attended the 18th South China International Congress of Cardiology in Guangzhou, and for the first time live broadcasted a surgery using Columbus 3D EP Navigation System ("Columbus") in China. 

The operation was conducted by Professor Xianhong Fang of Guangdong General Hospital to treat a patient suffered from frequent ventricular premature beats with radio-frequency ablation. Columbus's RTM (Real time mapping), which provides accurate geometric reconstruction of intra cardiac chambers, was used to map the earliest activation site for the ablation. Professor Pihua Fang with Fuwai Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences made a clear narration of the operation. The excellent performance of Columbus attracted wide attention from the audience and was highly recognized by experts in attendance. 

Columbus, designed for the diagnosis of complex arrhythmias, is the first domestically developed 3D EP navigation system that features real time electromagnetic device tracking with cardiac motion compensation. It offers vivid 3D simulation of the catheter deflectable segment and accurate geometric reconstruction of intra cardiac chambers to facilitate physicians in the treatment of complex arrhythmias. 

Columbus gains the registration certificate of China Food and Drug Administration in 2016. Its first surgery live broadcasting will help to open up the China market and benefit more patients with cardiac arrhythmias in the country.

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