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MicroPort EP Receives Registration Approval from Kazakhstan Ministry of Healthcare for Multiple Products

2021-05-20 16:20:00      Views:

Shanghai, China - Shanghai MicroPort EP MedTech Co., Ltd.(“MicroPort EP”) has recently obtained registration approval from the Ministryof Health of Kazakhstan (“MOH”) for multiple independently-developed products,marking its first entry into the Kazakhstani market.

The 17 approved devices and catheters include theColumbusTM 3D EP Navigation System, the OptimAblateTM Cardiac RF Generator, the OptimAblateTM Irrigation Pump, the FireMagicTM Cardiac RF Ablation CatheterSeries, the EasyFinderTM Diagnostic Catheter Series, the EasyLoopTM CircularMapping Catheter Series, and the PathBuilderTM Introducer Sets and the FORLNK™ Cable Series, which are mainly used for the diagnosis and effective treatmentof cardiac arrhythmias.

Severe arrhythmia is the main cause ofsudden cardiac death. While traditional pharmacological therapies can onlycontrol arrhythmias to a certain extent, the cardiac radiofrequency ablationprocedure is a more effective non-pharmacological therapy in treatingarrhythmias. The approved OptimAblateTM Cardiac RF Generator can be used in RFablation procedures to restore normal conductionof the heart  by generating high-frequency energy to blockor destroy abnormal pathways. The OptimAblateTM Irrigation Pump, which can beused in conjunction with OptimAblateTM RF Generator, is designed to achievebetter ablation results by delivering constant flow of saline water to cool down the tip of the RF ablationcatheter. By capturing and analyzing the electrophysiological activity of theheart, the ColumbusTM 3D EP Navigation System displays a real-time 3D image ofthe heart, offering Physiciana better and more convenient surgical experiencewhile providing a safer, more effective and more affordable option for patientswith arrhythmias.

Kazakhstan is the largest landlockedcountry in the world and a major hub in China’s “Belt and Road” initiative.Previously, the Firehawk® Rapamycin Target Eluting Coronary Stent System and the Evermend occluder series, home-grown products by MicroPort, have alreadybeen used in clinical practice in the region. The approval of the aboveproducts by MicroPort EP in Kazakhstan marks the availability of a broaderline of MicroPort heart disease treatment products in the local market, layinga solid foundation for its expansion in Central Asia.

In recent years, MicroPort® has beenactively contributing to the “Belt and Road” Initiative by providing totalmedical solutions for doctors and patients in countries along the route.Responding to the situation that some “Belt and Road” countries are poorlyequipped with medical equipment and have a limited number of surgeons who havereceived systematic education and training on minimally invasive surgery,MicroPort has also launched a number of projects over the years to provideeducation and exchange opportunities for local doctors, disseminating thelatest information and sharing clinical experiences. In the future, MicroPort will continue to provide products and develop an academic exchange platform formedical professionals from the “Belt and Road” countries to master moreprofessional techniques for the benefits of patients worldwide.

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