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FireMagic™ Irrigated Ablation Catheter Granted CFDA Registration Certificate

2016-06-02 11:42:00      Views:

In June, 2016, Shanghai MicroPort EP MedTech Co., Ltd (MicroPort EP) received approval from the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) for FireMagic™ Irrigated Ablation Catheter, which marks their achievement towards the target to provide a comprehensive platform of both the active and none-active, devicesand equipment and to become the industry leader for cardiac electrophysiologyand ablation treatment.

FireMaigc™ Irrigated Ablation Catheter, together with Columbus™ 3D EPNavigation System, provides an integrated solution for complex arrhythmias. Itoffers a more effective way to conduct ablation procedure with full visualizationof catheter curve on Columbus System and the collected IECG. The FireMagic® catheter is offered in two types: six-hole irrigation (FireMagic™ Cool 3D) and micro-hole irrigation (FireMagic® SuperCool 3D), whichis intended to cool the ablation electrode more uniformly.

MicroPort EP put a great effort on product development and always at the leading edge ofthe industry. The R&D team for FireMagic™ Irrigated Ablation Catheter is established in 2008 and in 2013, the catheter is granted the CE Mark. It is now widely used in Europe and South America with good feedback. 

With the approval of FireMagic™ Irrigated Ablation Catheter, MicroPort EP broke through the limited condition of Chinese device and equipment incomplex arrhythmia treatment. As the first Chinese manufacture that provide awhole solution for cardiac ablation.


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